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Instruments and Systems. Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics
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Instrument-Making and Automation Means. Encyclopedic Textbook
Phone: +7 (965) 230-10-20
E-mail: priborostroenie@tgizd.ru

Industrial Automatic Control Systems and Controllers
Phone: +7 (963) 680-20-40
Phone: +7 (965) 230-20-40
Phone: +7 (916) 860-20-08

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Ecological Systems and Devices
Phone: +7 (963) 680-10-50
E-mail: esip_red@mail.ru

Aerospace Instrument-Making
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Engineering Physics
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Note Album
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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics
Instrument-Making and Automation Means. Encyclopedic Textbook
Industrial Automatic Control Systems and Controllers
Ecological Systems and Devices
Aerospace Instrument-Making
Engineering Physics
History of Science and Engineering
Music and Time
Note Album
Universal History
Directory of engineer
Applied Physics and Mathematics
News Academy of Engineering Sciences A.M. Prokhorov

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